Speed guru Lee Taft, when asked how he would structure a 1 hour speed session of 8-11 years, gave the following response:
"Warm up with light fun games to make them move and solve. Then do
reactive tier 1 acceleration with deceleration at the end of acceleration run
and give them points for how well they do when decelerating. I would teach with small bites for them to chew on while they move. At the end pick one area to do
some simple corrections for a few minutes and close it down with something
competitive again."
I would do something very similar for sport training:
1 - Dynamic warm-up that breaks down proper movement mechanics - like shuffles, high knees, lunges, squats, etc.
2 - Light, fun movement game
3 - Skill work
3 - Skill work
4 - 1 on 1
5 - Purposeful play
6 - Grit conditioning activity
Movement games are a great and fun way to start a workout. Some kind of game/race where you are incorporating movement - linear, lateral, and reverse and incorporating stopping and starting, accelerating and decelerating is great to get the body going, get the energy up, and to work on becoming a better athletes. Below are a few movement games that I have found on YouTube that can really help improve the start of your workouts, whether you are working with youth athletes, competitive high school/college/pro athletes that need a boost or something new, or with you adult friends trying to stay or get back into shape!
Red Light/Green Light - https://youtu.be/gAsYLeVhc5M
Fun Agility Games - https://www.youtube.com/ playlist?list= PL6EUBJ4c0FhPAyRp76mQ0vj-_ ljxqoen5