Friday, October 7, 2016

Terrell Pryor | Tunnel Vision

I was listening to Mike and Mike on the radio, when they talked about former Ohio State quarterback, Terrell Pryor, and his transformation into one of college football's best quarterbacks into one of the NFL's rising stars at the wide receiver position.

What really stood out to me was when they mentioned that Randy Moss has been mentoring Pryor, and the advice that Moss gave to Pryor about having tunnel vision throughout the process.  The quote is below:
“Tunnel vision,” Pryor said. “Stay in tune, block out anything outside and keep that tunnel vision and go forward, no matter what happens. Sometimes games are gonna be bad, sometimes things are gonna happen that you don’t want and he said, ‘Just keep on going forward because it’s a long season and there’s a lot of plays to be made.’ He said, ‘Just make sure when the ball comes to you make the play, period.’ That’s the type of stuff we talk about all the time.”
For me as a coach, it was great timing to reinforce the importance of having a plan and seeing it through, knowing that things won't always go as great or as smoothly as you would like.  You are going to have your bumps and bruises, but trust the process and just keeping working hard at what you believe is right.

For my players, it’s important for them too to understand that they will make mistakes, and those mistakes might cost us at times, but you just have to keep staying focused on your role and improving every day and try to do the right things that will help you find success.   It's important to understand that success is a process, and every day you have to get find ways to get better.

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