Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Failure and Riding Out the Storm

Failure is a part of success.  There is no better way to learn and grow than by trial and error.  Don’t be afraid to try.  Don’t be afraid to fail.  Don’t be afraid to strikeout, or miss the shot, or get knocked off the ball.  Each time you fail is another opportunity for you learn how to do better.

When you fail, be humbled – not stubborn – and be willing to listen and learn.  Failing, listening and learning is how you grow and get better.  Sticking with it and being persistent and having grit is how you become the best.

Learn how to ride out the storms and you will get there, as an athlete, as a coach, as a parent, and as a person.  

This goes for the coaches you play for or the employees that you hire, or the players that you coach.  Patience and loyalty is important.  They will mess up.  They will fail.  But, if you feel like you have the right people in place - people who have the ability, the mindset, the work ethic, the grit, and the potential to listen, learn and grow - then ride the storms out with them because at the end of it will be learned lessons and sustainable success.

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