Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The Mamba Mentality - Fearless

Kobe Bryant was known for his Mamba Mentality. The Mamba Mentality means, "Trying to be the best version of yourself." It means, "Every day, you are trying to become better."

One of the pillars of Kobe Bryant's Mamba Mentality is Fearless. Kobe Bryant was asked, "Why is being fearless such an important part of the Mamba Mentality?" He said:

"I think the greatest fear that we face is ourselves. It's not anything that is external; I think the greatest fear you face is yourself because we all have dreams, and its very scary sometimes to accept the dream that you have, and it's scarier still to say okay, I want that. It's scary because you're afraid that if you put your heart and soul into it and you fail then how are you going to feel about yourself?

Being fearless means putting yourself out there and going for it no matter what. Go for it. Not for anybody else, but for yourself."

He was then asked, "When you got to the league, you were 18 years old. Did you have any fears before getting there or when you got there?" Kobe said:

"Yea, I had fears that everybody was going to be right, that I made a poor choice, and that I wasn't going to amount to anything. That was always in the back of my mind.

But every person has the ability to put one foot in front of the other. If you're saying, 'Okay, I'm going to climb Mount Everest,' at the bottom of the mountain, you are going to look up and think, 'I am not going to climb Mount Everest.' But if you break it down into sections and you just put one foot in front of the other, one step at a time, the next thing you know - you are at the top of the mountain."

Kobe's plan for conquering fears is to push through by setting short-term goals, seeing the facts, and working one step at a time. The critics will doubt you, and maybe they will be right. But maybe they won't.


1 - What do you do when you feel fear? How do you push through something when you are afraid?
2 - What is something you used to be afraid of that you overcame?
3 - What did you do to overcome that fear?
4 - If you had one piece of advice for someone who is afraid to go after something they really want, what would it be?

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