Just Keep Coaching

Coaching and leadership can be a lonely, draining journey. People often ask much more of you than they are willing to give, and you rarely feel appreciated for going above and beyond for all the people in your life. It can feel like you are giving and giving and giving while everyone around you just takes and takes and takes. BUT REMEMBER WHY YOU DO IT. Remember the coaches you had when you were growing up and the impact that they had on your life. Remember that these kids and their families NEED you. Your parents need someone they can trust to help raise these kids and teach them both to love the game and life lessons through sports. Remember that these kids you coach will have memories of their time with you - good and/or bad. Remember that the coaches you are leading and mentoring both look up to you and are watching you. You are training the next generation of coaches and leaders. Whenever I feel drained, I remember that because I am called to coach and lead, I am also called to se...