Monday, January 13, 2020

Know What You Are Chasing

Jon Gordon recently did a great podcast with author and popular speaker Molly Fletcher.  Fletcher recently released a book called The Energy Clock that teaches you how to create a life full of energy by aligning our energy and time to what matters to you the most.

Molly Fletcher was once a high-power sports agent.  Her job and life was very busy, but she said that during a lunch with her parents where her phone kept blowing up with the calls of professional athletes and coaches, she realized the importance of being present and in the moment with the ones that you love and knowing how to shut off your job when you need to.

Her parents came into town, and they went to an 'awesome place for lunch.'  She said that from the time they sat down, her phone wouldn't stop ringing.  Instead of letting those calls go to voicemail so that she could enjoy time with her parents, she answered every call.

Her mom asked her a powerful question, "What do they want?"  Her intention behind the questions was, "Was it an emergency or could they have waited a minute?"

Molly's response was my favorite part of the story.  She thought to herself, "I had filled all of my clients' cups up plenty where I could have enjoyed that moment with my family."

We have to be intentional in life about times in which we need to be present with the people in our lives who matter most, and also be intentional about filling up the cups and the lives that we need to on our work lives as well.

A coach's life never turns off and the job never sleeps.  Our kids, our parents, and the games always need something.  There is always a conversation to be had, a practice to plan, or film to watch.  We have to do our job.  We have to identify our non-negotiables - the parts of our jobs that we HAVE TO do.  

But we also have to be intentional about giving our families the time and energy that they need as well.  That balance is hard, but being aware of the need for balance is the first step.

I would be careful to not give everything that you have to your work and at your work and then not have the time and energy to give at home.

Ask yourself, "What are you chasing?"  Be intentional about where and how you are spending your time and energy, and be intentional about who you spend it with.  Make sure that you are spending it on stuff that really matters to your chase, at work and at home.

So many people struggle with energy and purpose, so being intentional about knowing what you are chasing, what brings you energy and value, and what you want your legacy to be can really help with this and help you spend time on what really matters and stay present and in the moment when it matters.

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