Thursday, June 12, 2014

Kids These Days

In coaching and in education, we hear so much about 'these kids these days' and how they lack respect, work ethic, motivation, etc.  We here about how 'back in our day,' kids worked hard, were respectful, did what they were expected to do, etc.
Instead of dwelling on the problem, how can we be part of the solution?

The work of philosopher Socrates, who was born in 469 BC, shows us that maybe the youth hasn't changed as much as we would like to think.  He lamented even during his days that the future generations would be in shambles because kids do not respect elders and that they were not motivated.  He was concerned for their love of luxury and their lack of manners.  He said that they showed little respect for the law, and that they had decaying morals.  He saw no hope for the future because of the recklessness, lack of respect, and lack of restraint and discretion by the youth of the times.

Are our kids perfect?  No, but they are kids, and kids need our guidance and mentorship more than they need our disdain and ridicule.  We can either lament their inequities and dwell on their negative attributes and characteristics, or we can celebrate what they bring to the table and teach them and help grow them into responsible, capable, and diligent adults.

Instead of dwelling on the problem, how can we be part of the solution?

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