Care. Care. Care.
The number 1 character trait necessary for an athlete to add value to his or her team is to care. To care about doing your best. To care about helping your teammates be their best. To care about helping your team be its best.
The worst thing a player can do in a team sport is to not care. To not care enough to be their best. To not care enough to help their teammates be their best. To not care enough to help the team be its best.
When you care, you grow, improve and you get better. When you don’t care, you don’t grow and you bring down the team as well.
If you don’t care, don’t play. Don’t waste your time, don’t waste your teammate’s time, and don’t waste your coach’s time. Find another team, another coach, or something that you do care about and invest your time and energy into that.
If you do care, work hard everyday to be a better player and a better teammate.