Tuesday, November 13, 2018

51% vs 49%

When you talk about what you look for in a great teammate, coach, teacher or employee, 51% is based on who you are as a person, and 49% is based how good you are at what you do.

If you do everything right as a coach - great Xs and Os, timely timeouts, good scouting reports and sub rotations, etc, then you can only get a 49 on the test.

If you are a great player, can shoot, pass dribble and defend, then you can only get a 49 on the test.

Who you are when you aren’t on the field is just as important as your ability and make up the other 51%.  We can easily see and measure stats, but who are you in the dugout?  What are you doing to raise the performance of everyone else on the team?  What are you doing to make this team the type of team that the best players would want to work at?  That is just as important, more important, than your stats.

Numbers can't measure what's the most important - the value that people bring by being good people.

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