Winners Fail | Losers
This excerpt and notes are taking from the book What Drives Winning. They have a great website and a really good Youtube page.
Its important to redefine what losing and failure is. Take the emphasis away from the result and
place it on the action.
Courage is about being willing to operate and step out of your comfort
Courage has nothing to do with the outcome. It is about being all-in. Have a circle around you that is supportive
and who value you going all in over the results.
You have 2 options with it comes to a challenge:
1 – You can hide from it
2 – You can chase it
In life, you have 2 options when it comes to courage:
1 – You can go all-in and risk being taken out of the game
for the chance to be great
2 – You can eliminate the chance of being great by playing
tentatively and not getting taken out of the game
Think of going all-in
like a stoplight: Imagine what it looks
like to have a green light v a yellow light.
What does it look
like when you live with a yellow light?
- Scared- Tentative
- Cautious
- Worried about what is going to happen next or what somebody is going to sya
What does it look
like when you live with a green light?
- Courageous
- Risk taker
- Living free
- Not concerned with what is going to happen or what people think of you
- No regret
Play Green by finding your comfort zone and living as much
out of it as you can. The more you are
out of your comfort zone and in your courage zone, the more your comfort zone
will stretch.
Don’t Be A Cosigner –
of your life or of others
1 – Agreeing with someone, or a teammate, because you don’t want
to upset the person
2 – Not saying anything at all
When people cosign, it is usually because:
1 – Afraid of conflict
2 – Don’t know what to say
One way to beat it is to role-play with yourself or trusted
friends on what to say and how to handle a situation. Another way to beat it is to give ‘best
friend advice;’ give advice to a best friend who is going through the same
We usually have the answers
within us, we just have to find it.
I once read in a book about the importance of the fences and boundaries that we set in our lives. They keep people in and to a degree, they keep people out. You have to set boundaries for yourself on how you will allow people to treat you and what you are willing to deal with. When someone crosses those boundaries, you have to have the courage to speak up in an appropriate and effective way. Have courage to live the life that you want to live.