Thursday, November 27, 2014

Healing Your Haters Through Success (Chapter 15 - Act Like a Success, Think Like A Success)

Become the positive energy that will be a light not just for yourself, but for those around you.  Your gift and your vision are relying on it.

The Bible says: Life and death are in the power of the tongue.

You are going to face opposition in your journey, and that opposition can take form in one of a few ways:

1) Situational 
2) Other people 
3) Internal

The only cure for enemies and opposition is success.  You can never take your foot off a ladder to kick at someone who is kicking at you.  When you do that, you will no longer be climbing.  While they are kicking, you should keep stepping.  They can kick only one time.  If you continue to climb, they would be left behind.  In trying to hurt you, to impede your progress, they would get left behind because they allowed themselves to get sidetracked from their agenda.

Real people of power, decision makers, power brokers, shakers and movers don't know that they don't even know the haters exist.  'Don't give 'em a pin to stick you with.'

You have to make the choice every day not to let anyone's negativity stop you from fully operating in you God-given gift.  You don't need anyone's validation to keep her vision moving forward.  

We have to make sure that we don't let anyone drag you down by stealing your energy, dreams, and success.  As a society, we have reduced positive messages about people's gifts and increase messages that make people feel entitled to things that are not for them.

Opposition doesn't always come from outside sources - they often come from within.  When you are your own worst enemy, you have to bring your own light.  You have to remember your worth and your value.  You have to get up every morning and affirm that talent that God has put inside you.  You cannot let your fears, doubts, and insecurities stop you from taking hold of your destiny.

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