Sunday, April 8, 2018

Building Strong Relationships Allow You To Send Strong Messages

Kevin Eastman - Coaching U Podcast

You have to learn how to build and or strengthen relationships.  It’s not really about networking; networking is only and number.

It’s not about how many people you know, it’s about how many relationships that you have.

Having 15 players is great, but do you have a relationship with those 15 players?  

Because the tougher the circumstance, the tougher the message, the tougher the truth – it can only be delivered, and received if there was a pre-existing, strong relationship that was built prior to those tough messages.  Those moments of truth in a game where you have to tell a hard truth to a player in the heat of the battle are made possible when you have worked over time to build the relationship.

Its not about what makes a person tick, it matters what makes them talk.  If I can get them to talk, I can figure out what makes them tick.  From there and through the strength of the relationship, I can educate them on how to change their tick.

Ultimately we are trying to create buy-in with the people that we work with, and that buy-in starts with the strength of the relationship.

You see some hard messages in timeouts of big games, and those messages are received and acted upon, but the strength of the relationship that was built over the previous 4, 5, 6 months to years is what allowed the message to be received and acted upon in those moments.

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