Saturday, September 1, 2018

Take Action and Don't Quit

Success is smart – it will test you at many turns.  Its biggest test is failure.  Success wants to know if you will quit.  Remember that failure is a part of all successful team and individual journeys.  

Don’t fear failure because it happens to the best of the best.  If you fear the consequence of failure, put equal fear to the consequence of never trying.  What would happen if you tried and it actually worked out?  At some point, it will!  Imagine if you knew you would succeed but you didn’t try.  How would you feel then?

Try, and don’t quit.  Act, and don’t quit.

Don’t define success by wins and losses.  Define success by starting, trying, acting and giving your best effort.  If you do those and ‘win,’ then great.  If you do those and ‘lose,’ its still great as long as you learned from your mistakes, got better, and didn’t quit.  Eventually you will win, and with the right attitude, you will probably win sooner than later. 

We usually know what we are supposed to do, but we fail to do what we know.  When we don’t act, the act doesn’t disappear – it stays and haunts us – even more than it would if we had tried and failed.  Lack of action sticks with us and it stacks with each lack of action.

Take action.  Start.  Try.  Fail.  Don’t quit.  You can’t lose as long as you are learning.  Make action a core ingredient of who you are.

- For more on this topic, I highly suggest you look into the book Why The Best Are the Best by Kevin Eastman.  It's a great book about the keywords that all successful people live out every day.

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