Saturday, June 29, 2019

WHY We Practice

The game really comes down to, 'Can you make that 1 play?'  Whether you are struggling or playing great, can you make that one play?  The next play?

⚽️  Can you get that one goal or the one stop?
πŸ€  Can you get that one basket, or that one steal or rebound?
⚾️  Can you get that one hit or that one out?
🏈  Can you get that one touchdown or that one tackle?
🏐  Can you get that one ace or dig?
🎾  Can you get a down the line or crosscourt shot?
🎳Can you get that one strike or spare?

That's what we are practicing for -  to make that one play when we really need it.  We practice MORE to make MORE of those one plays.  If we practice enough, we will make that one play over and over again, and that is where greatness comes from.  

That is when we become something different.  But it takes a different behavior, a different level of focus, a different level of work ethic, a different level of want, grit and inspiration to be able to keep making that one play over and over again.  And it doesn't start in the game when the lights are on - that is just when it happens.

That is WHY we practice.

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