Thursday, July 4, 2019

Be THAT Teammate - Be Special

When you are really competing and adversity hits, you will see the true character of your teammates and the true culture of your team.  When things aren't going right, some of your teammates will start to complain and will start to whine. They will start making excuses.  Some teammates start blaming the referee or start blaming their teammates and coaches.  They start to cry, fight and shut down.  

YOU can't do that.  You have to keep going, keep pushing and keep fighting.  YOU have to figure it out.

The teammates with the right character and the teams with the right culture keep their heads up and don't make excuses.  They don't complain about the referees or about their coaches or about their teammates.  The teammates with the right character and the teams with the right culture encourage their teammates.  They bring positive energy through their actions and their words.  They keep everybody moving forward.  They problem-solve.  They work together.  They fight back.  They find a way to make one play that can change momentum.  Then they find a way to make another play.  When that doesn't work, they don't get too frustrated - they just keep being positive and they working and they keep fighting until the end.  

They can accept a loss, but they can't accept not fighting and giving everything that they have.

Adversity WILL come.  What are you going to do when it does?  

Take a breath.  Accept that you are in a tough situation.  Find one thing to be positive about.  Try to make one simple, right play.  Listen to your coaches.  Find two positive things to say to teammates to shift the momentum back to your side.  Don't worry about the score - just worry about the next play.  

Be Special

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