Sunday, September 29, 2019

Individual Growth and Team Goals

The first decision that we have to make at the start of each season is:

1 – Am I going to work to be the best that I can be?

The second decision that we have to make at the start of each season is:

2 – Am I going to do everything in my power to help the team be the best that it can be?

Without answering the first question with a yes, the team just can’t be the best that it can.  For us to be the best team that we can be, each individual has to do their part.  The harder the individual works, the more energy and enthusiasm the individual brings, the more the individual competes every day, the more that the individual is responsible and accountable for their actions and behaviors, the better the group can be.

But the individual also has to do it all within the frame of what is best for the team.  Working hard, bringing energy and enthusiasm, having accountability and responsibility is a necessary requirement, but we also have to be bought into the shared vision of the team and doing.  We can’t do it in isolation, and we can’t act with selfish motives that don’t benefit the group as a whole.  We have to buy-in.

We can’t make excuses, we can’t complain, we can’t cheat ourselves and our teammates by not doing the work.  We can’t put ourselves before the team and we can’t make our own ‘stuff,' goals, and issues bigger than the team.  

We can and should have BIG goals for ourselves, but those goals must also benefit the group.  We all have on and off the court issues, but we can’t let them negatively affect the group and the group’s mission.

Be bought in to being the best you for yourself and your teammates.

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