Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Years Resolutions and Accountability

The bottom two thoughts are from Jon Gordon's interview with Craig Ballantyne on Jon Gordon's Positive U podcast.

Change Your Identity First

With the new year here, so many people are creating New Years resolutions that so often don't work.  But James Clear has a different approach that might be more effective.  

This New Year, change your identity first.  Figure out who you want to be and start living like that person would live.  If you want to be a more successful coach, identify and act like a coach with the type of habits and success that you seek.

If you want to be a starter, start acting, thinking and living like a starter.  

If we look at ourselves like we are the person that we want to be, then we won't need to rely as much on discipline and will power for how to act - it's just how we act and how we do things.

If you want to change anything in your life, change your mindset and truly believe that you are the type of person who is going to change to these habits and be successful this year and beyond.

A Secret To Success Is Accountability

A couple of the biggest reasons why building strong relationships with our athletes are so important is so that they have someone that they can trust and someone that the can feel accountable to.

Accountability is one of the keys to success. All of the knowledge on how to become successful is out there, but most don't take advantage of the free resources.

We need something to hold us accountable.

When we feel a deep sense of accountability to someone important, we don't want to let them down, so we work harder, smarter, and more consistently, and when you have a deep sense of accountability to someone you don't want to disappoint, then you can move mountains.

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