Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Why Is Energy Important?

I was on a Zoom meeting, and the superintendent in our district asked the group, 'Why is energy important?'

I am a big believer in bringing energy and enthusiasm to everything that I do.  My coach in college always preached about the importance of bringing your own energy to practice and games and that your energy is contagious.

Everything is really just made up of vibrating energy.  We are energy.  "Energy powers machines and moves our bodies. It is exchanged in every interaction. Energy is the unseen force necessary for growth, development, and change."  Energy is what we are made of and it makes us go.  The more energy that you have, the farther you can go.  The more POSITIVE energy that you have, the farther you can go in the right direction.

Energy powers your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions, so it is important to have the 'right' energy.  Having the right energy at practice leads to a more productive workout where teams are working together, challenging each other, and helping each other push through adversity.  We only have so much time in a day and in the gym, so it is important to get the most out of each workout.  When teams show up with the right energy, they get more out of the time that they are spending in the gym.

Energy is important because it powers what we do and how we do it.  When we have the right energy, we can go harder, we can go farther, and we can go about it in a positive, beneficial way.  And energy is contagious - your energy is shared anytime that you come in contact with someone or something else, so the energy that you bring is important for yourself, your teammates, and anyone that you connect with.  When you have good energy, it leads to good relationships.

What kind of energy are you bringing?

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