Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Touch As Many Lives As Possible

Trevor Ariza has been in the NBA since 2004.  He has played on a few different teams - some great teams and on some struggling teams.  

On a recent podcast he was discussing his journey and the journeys that some athletes have during their careers and how some athletes don't get or receive the fame or recognition that they deserve.  He said this about his journey:
"No two journeys are the same and everybody has to take their own path. 
Timing always plays a factor in where you are and what you do.
For me, my path was to TOUCH AS MANY PEOPLE as I could.  And I enjoy that."
I thought that was a beautiful way to look at the impact that we can have on the people that we coach and the players that we play with.

We can't always control how much talent we have, and we sure can't control all of the recognition that we recieve.

But we can definitely control how we treat people.  If we all made it a goal to emphasize how we treat the people that we come across, we could change the world through sports.

Let's start with 'our' worlds.

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