Wednesday, June 10, 2020

2020 Is Going To Be GREAT

Doc Rivers is a professional basketball coach for the LA Clippers. In a recent podcast, he talked about leadership and how he is keeping his team ready for when the NBA resumes.  When asked how he is keeping his team ready, he said:
"I am telling my team that when it all starts back, it's not going to be the same, and it may not even be fair. You have to be okay with that. It's not going to be fair, but we are still going to win. It's not going to be fair, but we aren't going to use that as an excuse. It's not going to be fair, but its very fair because everybody is doing the same thing. Let's not let this be the reason that we don't win.
Right now we have to make the most of it and find a way forward."
He went on to talk about a conversation that he had with a high school graduate about how to keep this year in proper perspective and how we all should look at everything that has happened in the year 2020:
I was talking to a high school graduating class, and one of the kids said, "This isn't fair."
I said, "This will not be the worst day of your life. You missing a party and a bad graduation speech will not be the worst thing in your life. Enjoy it, move on, and I expect you to be a leader."
It is very easy for us all to fall into that in 2020.
How many times have you heard that 2020 is awful? Someone just told me that, and I said, "What do you mean awful? It's not even halfway! Like, make it great the second half. You can't give away the year; that doesn't happen."
So, 2020 is going to be GREAT. That's the way I look at it. We're going to make it GREAT.
A proper perspective at all times is important.  Yes, this year has been hard.  We can either complain and make excuses about it or we can keep pushing and find the good and the positives. 

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