Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Every Kid Needs An Important Role

There was a high school coach in Texas, who was also the head of the middle school program (that is how it works in Texas).

This coach was known for the relationships that he builds with the kids that he coaches, and the impact that he has on their lives.

A couple of ways that he does that is by not turning any athlete away and by finding a specific spot and role for every athlete on the team.

They said that he gives every athlete a position and role, he encourages and inspires them, and he teaches them how to master their role.

Being intentional like this helps make every athlete feel valued and important. They give it their all because they are completely bought in. They perform their job at a high level because they have been taught how and they know what is expected of them.

Now, that role might be the 3rd person from the right on the 3rd string kick-off team, but imagine how disciplined a team is if the buy-in, instruction, expectations, and relationships run that deep?

From now on, that is the line as a coach, and you can either live and lead above it or below it.

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