Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Ratio of Positivity

In the book, The No Complaining Rule by Jon Gordon, it talks about the importance of having purposeful, positive interactions with your team.

Teams are more successful when they are positive. People are better when they are positive. But a lot of us don't have ingrained positive habits, positive actions, and positive thinking in our lives.

A positive culture doesn't happen through osmosis. It happens by relentlessly focusing on our culture and weeding out negativity.

The best way to deal with negativity is to create a positive culture where negativity can't breed and grow and survive. Otherwise, you will spend all of your time fighting negativity.

We need intentional, positive leadership, we need positive interactions, and we need positive communication to fill the voids so that negativity can't breed.

With my teams, and with my family, I try to remember this as much as possible. I try to smile more when I am with them or when I am watching them play. I try to laugh more. We still work hard, but we also intentionally enjoy the process.

It has been a mind-shift, but it has made for a much more enjoyable life.

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