Monday, October 12, 2020

The Test of Injuries

One of the hardest things to witness is an injury to a player. Nobody sets out trying to get hurt, but injuries happen.

Injuries can affect so many people. Of course, they affect the player, they affect the team, and they affect the coaching staff who has a goal to win as many games as they can. Injuries also affect parents. Injuries are hard on parents. We love watching our kids play. We want our kids to have a great experience playing sports. We don't want to see our athletes hurting, physically or emotionally.

But again, injuries do happen. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. I heard a great message one day that started with the quote, you can't have a TESTIMONY without going through a TEST.

Injuries are a test. Your testimony is your story. Steph Curry's testimony is that he was under-recruited and over-looked his entire life. He fought through that, and he became one of the best college basketball players of his time. Steph then had to fight through injuries and doubt in the NBA, and he became a two-time MVP and a three-time NBA champion. He didn't let his injuries, his lack of size, or his doubters keep him from being one of the best basketball players ever.

I am not saying that your testimony will be that you overcome your injuries, your adversity, and your haters to become an NBA star, but I am saying that we are all faced with tests in life, and the key is having the right mindset and working as hard as we can to overcome that adversity so that we have a great testimony to share with others.

When you are in it, sports are the most important thing in the world. Especially in high school sports. There is nothing like Friday Night Lights and being a high school athlete. Love it. Cherish it. Get everything that you can out of it. But when it is over, the most important thing is, "Who have you become because of it?"

Sports make us better. Injuries make us tougher. Life is full of adversity. This is just another opportunity for you to rise up and learn how to deal with adversity.

I believe in you.

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