Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Sitting In Your Car Is Self-Care

Do you ever just sit in your car before going into the house, tired, stress, frustrated, or angry? I have had many of these days, and it seems like those little moments sitting in the driveway with the car running brings me some peace and restoration before going into the house to my most important jobs of being a husband and a dad.

After listening to a recent Jon Gordon podcast, I realize that there might be some real benefit to sitting in the car for a few minutes before going in and that it can be a very beneficial form of self-care. Coaching is a tough profession. We pour into and feed into our athletes and their families so much that it is easy to come home feeling depleted, and we often bring our worst home to our own kids and families. We give everyone our best and we give our families whatever little is left.

Jon said that we have to make our home team is just as important as our work team, and we have to bring our best self home. He said that the key is to know that most arguments happen during the first 20 minutes that you walk into the door. So when you come in, create a routine or ritual with your family that provides a buffer zone and allows you to separate the first part of your day from the second part of your day.

Some of the things that you can do to create a buffer zone include breathing techniques, yoga, meditation, prayer or a walk. Renew, recharge, and prepare yourself to bring your best home to your family. It's important to be intentional with this. When we bring our best home, we will feel better about ourselves and will bring our best to our work. Being intentional about bringing our best home improves all areas of our lives. Be an intentional leader, change-maker, and difference-maker at home.

When we are living with purpose and we are serving and replenishing others, we will replenish and energize ourselves and we will have more energy for work and home.

Jon said that when he learned how to be a better leader at home, his life changed and his career dramatically improved. Invest in your family, serve them at home, and watch yourself grow and change in amazing ways.

So don't feel bad about sitting in your car, resting and collecting your thoughts before walking into the house. Now you know that there is real benefit from it!

1 - What is one thing that you can start doing that will help you bring your best home to your family?
2 - What is one thing that keeps you from bringing your best home to your family?
3 - How can you overcome that barrier?

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