Sunday, March 21, 2021

Week 12 | Obedience


“God’s ways never end up disappointing us.”

Beating a press in basketball is a team effort. We have to have a plan, we have to know the plan, and we have to have the skills and will to execute the plan. When everybody moves and works together, beating a press and finishing with a lay-up is one of the most beautiful things in basketball. But when everybody isn’t on the same page, the press can quickly break a team down.

OBEDIENCE is key, and what makes it even tougher is that you have to have OBEDIENCE in the middle of a storm when you are facing a press.

OBEDIENCE is when someone listens well to authority, and when you do what you are told and instructed to do.

OBEDIENCE to God can be similar. OBEDIENCE to God always brings blessing. The Lord’s simple requests often serve as stepping-stones to life’s most wonderful blessings. WE have to be willing and able to listen and follow his instructions.

In Luke Chapter 5, a large crowd pressed around Jesus while He preached. Jesus asked Simon Peter to push his boat away from the shore so that he could use the boat to stand and preach to the people. Because Simon Peter did this small thing, the crowd could all hear Him preach. After He finished, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon Peter and his partners had been working all night for a catch but were unsuccessful, so they were probably tired and ready to give up for the night. Instead, he obeyed and he and his partners pulled in not one, but two overflowing boatloads of fish. 

Saying yes transformed their lives.

Saying yes to the Lord’s words, instruction, and requests can transform our lives too. According to Charles F. Stanly, there are three reasons why OBEDIENCE is critical to the successful Christian’s life:

1 - OBEYING God in small matters is an essential step to God’s greatest blessings.
Sometimes our biggest blessings come from doing simple things that God has asked us to do. When we master the small things, we can be trusted with greater things.

2 - Our OBEDIENCE always benefits others.
Think about how many people were blessed by Peter’s obedience. We receive blessings so that we can enjoy life and so that we can bless others. We are blessed to be a blessing.

3 - When we obey God, we will never be disappointed.
Peter might have assumed that Jesus’ fishing instructions would be a waste of time, but the Lord brought him a miracle that turned an empty boat into a full one. What is Jesus trying to tell you? Where is He trying to lead you to?

This Week

1 - Read Luke 5:1-11. Read about how Peter’s obedience led to blessings for all those around him.

2 - What is one, small thing that you can do this week to help you be a better teammate, friend, or person?

3 - What is one way that you can bless or help someone else?

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