Monday, September 6, 2021

Week 36 Devotional | CONDUCTORS

Training Camp by Jon Gordon is an encouraging and inspiring book for every athlete and coach. It is a story about an undrafted, rookie football player trying to make the NFL named Martin.

Martin was one of many fighting for just a few spots on the team, and after Martin made a name for himself by making some big plays and scoring a touchdown in a pre-season game, Martin sprained his ankle and had to miss two weeks, including two pre-season games.

For most, that is a kiss of death for your career, but God puts people in our lives for a reason and when we need them, and God put several people in Martin’s life who helped him get through what was a difficult time full of uncertainty and doubt.

As Martin was overcoming his injury, his coach told him that the best of the best do two things: they rely on God and faith, and they become conductors, not resistors.

Stress, anxiety, fear, and depression are the result of being away from God. God did not create us to be separate from Him and His love. We were made to be one with it. Pride and the distractions of the world keep us from relying on God. That is why we have breaking points. It is at our lowest points when we realize that we can't do it alone, and we need God. We strive for greatness because God knows that when we do, we become uncomfortable. We push through the discomfort because we want what is on the other side, but at some point, we hit a point where we have given all that we have to give, and that is when God can show His strength, love, grace, and mercy.

In order for us to truly live in God’s love, we have to let go. Jon Gordon writes that in the world of atoms and electrons, resistors are stingy, they hold on to energy, and they won't let go of electrons. CONDUCTORS are conduits that allow energy to flow freely and are willing to let go of its electrons. CONDUCTORS have no power themselves, but they generate an enormous amount of power from the currents that flow through them. The greater the current and power that flows through the conductor, the greater the power that will be radiated by the CONDUCTOR.

We have the ultimate power source, and we can be CONDUCTORS through which that unlimited energy and power can flow. When Jesus left this earth, He left us the Holy Spirit. Jesus told his disciples, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever (John 14:16).” He then said, “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you (John 14:26).”

The Holy Spirit is in everyone who believes that Jesus died for us. It is a gift that Jesus left for all of us. It is the ultimate power source; we just have to be CONDUCTORS and if we trust Him, God of hope will fill us with all joy and peace so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).”

Martin’s coach told Martin all he had to do was believe and surrender. All he had to do was pray and simple prayer. That simple prayer was, “I can’t do it alone. I need you, God.”

“I can’t do it alone. I need you, God.”

When Martin prayed that prayer, he felt a kind of grace and peace like he had never known. He heard the voice of God say to him, “Let go. I am with you. Have faith in Me.”

When I pray that prayer, I feel a sense of peace, grace, and joy as well. I feel God’s power and presence flowing through me.

“I can’t do it alone. I need you, God.”


1 - Be a CONDUCTOR, not a resistor. Rely on God and the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. Tell yourself that you are a conductor of the power, strength, grace, and mercy of God.

2 - Every morning, every night, and as many times as possible, say the prayer, "I can't do it alone. I need you, God."

For a Google Doc version of this Devo, click here: Week 36 Devo | CONDUCTORS

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