Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Law Of Inner Circle (10)

A Leader's Potential Is Determined By Those Closest To Him

Nobody does anything great alone.  
No leader can do everything great, so its important to have great people around you who can compliment you.  Mother Theresa once said, "You can do what I cannot do.  I can do what you cannot do.  Together we can do great things."

The leader finds greatness in the group, and he or she helps the members find it in themselves.
Warren Bennis

1 - Do they have influence with others?
2 - Do they bring a complimentary gift to the table?
3 - Do they hold a strategic position in the organization?
4 - Do they add value to me and to the organization
5 - Do they positively impact other inner circle members?

There are three kinds of people in an organization when it comes to leadership: 1 - those who get it almost immediately and they're off and running with it; 2 - those who are skeptical and not sure what to do with it; and 3 - another third who start out negative and hope it will go away.  Don't spend all of your time with those who are the most negative trying to convince them to change.  Spend your time with the people in the first group.  Invest in your best assets.

Success comes not from what you know but from who you know and how you present yourself to each of those people.  Your first step is always to become the best leader you can.  They next is to surround yourself with the best leaders you can find.

Applying The Law of Connection
1 - Identify the people in your inner circle, their strengths and weaknesses, and what specifically they bring to the table.  If they don't have a clear role or function, then write what you believe they have the potential to contribute.  

2 - Great inner circles don't happen by chance or accident.  You have to cultivate and grown it.
- Spend extra time together to mentor and develop relationships
- Give extra responsibility and place higher expectations on them
- Give them more credit when things go well and hold them accountable when they don't

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