Thursday, August 1, 2019

1% Better Every day

Can we commit to getting 1% better?  Every day, let's try to find a way to get at least a little better.  If we can just get a little better every day, then over time these small gains will add up to something special, and we will become the athlete/person that we want to be.

Getting 1% better can mean a lot of different things.  It could be getting better at shooting, or dribbling or throwing, or any technical skill that your sport requires.  It could be doing 10 minutes of ball-handling every day this week, not leaving the gym until you make 50 free-throws, doing 5 sprints after your workout, hitting ten perfect forehands and backhands, or any kind of extra skill work pertaining to the sport that you play.  When you get better by putting in the work, your confidence grows.

Getting 1% better can mean getting stronger.  It can mean giving your all in the weight room, going hard in every rep, and not just being in the room with your friends playing around, telling jokes, and skipping reps/sets.  It could mean doing 25-50-100 pushups tonight before bed, or doing some sit-ups, or running around the block.  The stronger and more fit you are, the better that you will perform.  If you really want to be who you say you want to be, you will find a way to get stronger.

Getting 1% better can mean watching game film of yourself, your opponents, or somebody that you look up.  It could be as simple as watching a few YouTube videos on different moves that you can try or watching a few videos that can help you improve your pitching or shooting mechanics.

Getting 1% better can mean working in your mindset.  Telling yourself every morning that you can do this.  Telling yourself that you can - and will - have a gold medal day.  That you are capable of achieving your dreams.  It can mean reading books or articles on mental toughness.  It means that you are ready to embrace the journey and all of the ups and downs that come with growth and becoming your best self.

Every day, the goal is to get a little better.  The saying goes, 'Rome wasn't built in a day.'  Start today.  Start a journal.  Every morning, write down one thing that you will do today to get better, or every night make notes in your phone that lists the thing(s) that you did today to get better.  Do this for one month and see how your game starts to change.  Do this for one year and see how your LIFE starts to change.

Just 1% better.  Everyday.  That is it.

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