Saturday, August 10, 2019

How To Extend Your Shooting Range - In The Lab

In the Lab is one of my favorite YouTube channels for basketball.  The guy who runs the site is Dev, and he has a very realistic and fresh approach to the game.  He is going through the process of trying to perfect his shooting ability.

Here he meets with former Baylor Basketball player Austin Mills to talk about how to extend your shooting range.  Some key points:

1 - It takes time, effort, and passion to become a great shooter; there is no short cut to being great at anything - shooting included; it's about information and reps/reps/reps; know how to shoot correctly and get as many reps as possible to become a better shooter

2 - When you are off, learn how to adjust or 'fix' your shot without completely changing your form

3 - Start with form shooting close to the basket to warm-up and to find a rhythm and flow

4 - A lot of being a great shooter is confidence and mentality; if you can do it in a small gym alone, consistently, you will get the confidence to be able to do it in a packed gym in big games

5 - There are good misses and bad misses - generally, good misses lead to rebound opportunities and bad misses lead to fast breaks

6 - Good arc leads to a high bounce above the rim - it gives your shot a better chance of dropping in the basket; if your rebounder has to chase too many of your misses, your misses are more off than if they can rebound your misses around the basket

7 - A lot of the best shooters don't jump very high on their catch and shoot shots (Steph Curry, Damian Lillard, etc)

8 - 'Ball in the Air - Feet in the Air' to catch and shoot and get your shot off quicker

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