Wednesday, July 22, 2020

To My Girls ...

I have three daughters and the last thing I want for my girls is to deal with image issues or any kind of bullying because they play sports and because they are 'sporty.'

I don't want them to have to worry about looking like a girl, or dressing like a girl, or acting like a girl. This is stuff my 9 year old is starting to have tk deal with, and I am trying to fight it with her.

To my girls,

I want you, your friends and teammates, and all girls to know that being an athlete is one of the best things that you can be. 

Know how special you are because you play sports. You are tough, you are strong, you are successful. You know how to be a great friend and a great teammate. you know how to handle adversity. You know how to listen and take instruction. You know how to win. You know how to create a goal and a plan. You know how to execute that plan.

You are beautiful. You are smart.

Being an athlete is one of your super powers. Love it. Embrace it. Use it to make you stronger and better - in sports, in school, and in life.

There are so many wonderful female athlete role models that you can look up to. No matter what you look like, what you like, what you like to wear, there are high school, college, and professional female athletes that are just like you.

Playing sports is fun now, but you will get so many opportunities from it. Sports can help you get into college and they can help you get a great job. Sports can help you meet all kinds of people.

Sports can literally take you around the world.

Never forget how special you are. Enjoy playing sports with your friends. Enjoy competing. There is nothing like going to a tournament with your friends. Playing in the games, eating between games, and the laughs and jokes throughout it all.

I love that you play sports. I love watching you practice, I love watching you play games. I love our drives to and from tournaments. I love everything about you athletic career.

Most importantly, I love you.

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