Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Fragile Egos Kill The Team

One Killer Of Great Teams Is A Leader With A Fragile Ego.

For the team to be the best that it can be, you have to have a talented and knowledgeable group of coaches who all bring great skills and ideas to the team.  The best teams share and effectively implement the best ideas, regardless of who the idea came from and regardless of who gets the credit.

One Killer Of Great Teams Is Players With Fragile Egos.

For the team to be the best that it can be, you have to have a talented group of athletes who are willing to work together and sacrifice for the good of the team.  The best teams put the best players in the best position to do their best, and they don't worry about who gets the credit for success because they know when the team wins, everyone wins.

One Killer Of Great Teams Is Parents With Fragile Egos.

For a team to be the best that it can be, you have to have a supportive group of parents who are willing to work together and teach their kids how to work together for the good of the team.  The best teams have parents who don't care who gets the credit because they know that when the team wins, everyone wins.

When a smart, talented, hardworking group of people come together with a shared vision, when they are willing to sacrifice for the team, and they are willing to do what it takes and don't worry about who gets the credit, everyone wins.

This is the same in the sport and outside of the sport.

Disagreements are part of the process.  When someone disagrees with you, it doesn't mean that they don't want to get on your bus.  It just means that they see things differently or they feel like there is a better option.  Instead of dismissing them, listen to them.  Their idea might be better.  They might be better at something.  Work together to find the best solution and the best path to success. 

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