Monday, December 9, 2019

The Best CHOOSE To Do The Right Thing No Matter How They Feel

The Best CHOOSE To Do The Right Thing No Matter How They Feel.
They Know That Growth Isn't Comfortable.  
They Don't Wait Until They Feel Good To Do the Right Thing. 
They Just DO the Right Thing.

The best do the HARD stuff, especially when it's not easy or they don't feel like doing it.

Its easy to work hard when you have had enough rest, the temperature is great outside and all of your friends are waiting for you in the gym.  It's easy to do what's right when you know the drill when you have mastered the skill, when you know that you can beat your opponent, or when you know what is going to happen.  

If you do what's right because it feels right, this is still a very good thing, but it means that you have already grown in that area.

If you do what's right even when you don't feel the best or the most comfortable, that means that you are growing.

There are some things that we do now that are very easy that used to be hard.  But there are other things that are still hard to do, so when we are faced with one of those things, we have to do it no matter how we feel.  If it's hard, then we know that we are growing.

We have to learn how to do what's right even when we don't feel like it and when it is hard.

You can't wait until you feel great or until the conditions are perfect before you start working hard.  

You can't grow without some discomfort.  Growth is not always (or even usually) going to be comfortable.

You have to CHOOSE to do what is right even when you don't feel like doing it.

When we start doing what is right even when we don't feel it, we are growing.

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