Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Generate Energy

It is okay and normal if you don't wake-up every day filled with motivation and energy.  Especially during times like these, we don't always wake-up with a lot of motivation.  We have to learn how to generate motivation.

Design goals that will help you generate more motivation by making decisions before the decision needs to be made and by changing your environment so that its easier to make good choices.

Decide what you want to do tomorrow, when tomorrow you are going to do it, and where you are going to do it.

If you need to work on your shooting, decide tomorrow to make 100 shots at 10:00 in the morning at the goal at the local park.

If you need to run, decide to run tomorrow at 7:00, for 2 miles, around your neighborhood.

When you design your goals ahead of time, you are eliminating your brain's need to make a decision.  All you have to do is act and execute.
Ann Thornock is a primary care physician who had a goal of increasing the amount of water sold and decreasing the amount of soda and sugary drinks.  She conducted a study where she made sure that there were water options in every vending machine and she put baskets of water by the checkout lines at Massachusetts General Hospital.

In 3 months, soda sales decreased by 11% and water sales increased by 26% by simply changing the environment.  People bought more water because the environment supported making good choices.

If you want to change your habits, see how you can change your environment.  Make it easier to make the right choices, and make it more difficult to make the wrong choices.  Set yourself up for success.

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