Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Great Teams and Motivating Athletes

Great teams, families, classrooms, schools, and organizations share a lot of the same principles and have similar values.

          "Link: Jon Gordon joins MTTS to talk about motivating athletes"
Great groups have a shared vision and purpose, they stay positive through challenges, they don't allow negativity to sabotage the group, and they work to build great relationships so that they have stronger connections and a stronger team.  

Great groups have grit.  They have consistency.  They have mental toughness.

Great groups are like craftsmen - people who pursue excellence in their craft.  

Great groups put 'we before me.'  They serve their teammates.  When you serve your team, they get better and you get better.  When you help them improve, you improve.

It's important to learn how to get through the tough moments and how to perform at your highest level as individuals and as a group.

Great coaches and leaders care about their players, and they drive them and push them toward excellence.  

A great coach shares love and accountability with and for their athletes.  

You have to love them up, and you have to hold them accountable to the culture, the values, and the principles, and the standards that are established.

Great teams know what makes teams great and how to be great teammates, they know the principles needed to be great and they live those principles every day.
Win today.  Win each day.  Get better each day.  A lot of us are used to routines, and right now, there is a lot of disruption.  Don't focus on what is lost.  Focus on how you can get better today.  Focus on what you will gain.  Serve snd impact others.  Make a difference.  If you focus on that and win today, the future will be bright.

What you believe determines what you create.  Optimism really is a competitive advantage.  Real optimism isn't seeing the world through rose-colored glasses.  It is knowing that you have the power to overcome the thorns.

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