Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Good and Bad of Social Media

Social media can be your best teammate or most vicious opponent.  On one hand, it is a one-stop-shop for skills and drills that are being done by athletes like you and athletes who you want to become.  It is a great opportunity to see what athletes are doing around the world.

With that comes comparison and comparison can be the thief of all joy.  I have spent many nights scrolling through the pages of athlete after athlete and coach after coach, comparing my ability and my kids' abilities vs other coaches and kids, and the anxiety that can come from that is just not healthy.

When used right, social media is a great resource and a jolt of motivation. 

When used wrong, it can create anxiety, depression, and unhealthy relationships.

Social media is a great resource for seeing what other athletes your age are doing, but its just one resource.

I can tell you firsthand that it is easy to go down the rabbit hole of going from video to video and profile to profile looking and comparing yourself to other kids who are able to do all of these advanced, high-level drills that might be above your level - right now.

Doing this has given me fear and anxiety because we live in a world where we value likes and we don't want to fall behind.

But remember, comparison is the thief of joy, and what is for you, no one can take away.  Run your race and work hard to be the best that you can be.

Understand why you play and what you want to get out of it.  External recognition is an amazing feeling, but it's dangerous when you tie your joy to the opinion of others.

Keep why you are doing what you do the main thing, and let external recognition be the icing on the cake.

I'm definitely not saying to stay off social media.  Again, it is a great resource that can show you different drills and skills that you can use and it can keep you motivated.  I'm just saying to be careful and don't let what you see consume you with negative thoughts and negative feelings.

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