Sunday, May 31, 2020

We Are On The Same Team

I started this page because I love everything about coaching, leadership, learning, and getting better. 

I would read, listen to, and watch as much information as I could on how to become a better coach and leader, but I would forget so much if what I learned.

This was just a place to store my thoughts, and before I knew it, I had an audience of 100 people, then 1,000, and now almost 50,000.

What started as a 'place to store my notes' has become a nice little community of people who are trying to be better coaches, parents, athletes, and teammates.

I try to stay out of politics as much as I can, and I try to focus just on sports and leadership, but I just don't think it would be right to not take a second and make mention of George Floyd and his death.  I have heard that he was loved and admired by the people who knew him.  I have heard him described as a good Christian, a good father, a good friend, and a good man.

So much has already been said about his death and what is going on right now in our country.  That video was hard to watch.  I pray for him and his family and those who loved him.  Nobody deserves to leave this earth the way that he did.

My thoughts as I get lost in Social Media (and really needing to take a break) is that I just wish that we were better communicators.  

I've seen a lot of thought and commentary from people on all sides, and I think we are closer in thought and ideals than we think.

Sometimes we just need to try to speak (or type) with a little more empathy so that the listener (or reader) is more able to willing to listen (or read) what we are trying to say.

Sometimes we need to listen (read) with the intent to hear (read) and understand with empathy and with the intent to learn and find common ground.

People from all sides are hurting.  People are upset.

We are on the same team.  We might not always agree on the style of play, but we have to find a common goal.

We have to run the same race.

As with everything that I share, I just hope that it helps someone get a little better, and I hope that it can bring people together in a time where that is needed.

I pray for you all.
I pray for our country.
I hope that we can heal from this.
I hope that we can be and do better.


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